Let’s start your career coaching
journey by...




Let’s start your career coaching
journey by...


getting to know more


If you find yourself asking, "Do I need help in dealing with changes in my life and career?" or "Is there someone whom I can share my thoughts with?", then you might be longing for a guiding partner and a safe space.

We've all had the experience of seeing someone else's life situation and knowing exactly what they should do, yet wondering why they can't figure it out themselves–but this happen to all of us. When we find ourselves in the midst of a transition, whether in our career or in life, it can sometimes be challenging to see the possibilities that lie ahead. But remember, you don't have to figure out everything on your own. Asking for help when needed is the most courageous act.

My advice? Invest in yourself and your future. Find a Career Coach that is credible, reliable and who you feel a good connection with. Someone who can support you as you navigate life challenges and career transitions, helping you find your purpose, and will build your confidence.

Believe in yourself and take the first step towards a more fulfilling life and career.

getting to know more


If you find yourself asking, "Do I need help in dealing with changes in my life and career?" or "Is there someone whom I can share my thoughts with?", then you might be longing for a guiding partner and a safe space.

We've all had the experience of seeing someone else's life situation and knowing exactly what they should do, yet wondering why they can't figure it out themselves–but this happen to all of us. When we find ourselves in the midst of a transition, whether in our career or in life, it can sometimes be challenging to see the possibilities that lie ahead. But remember, you don't have to figure out everything on your own. Asking for help when needed is the most courageous act.

My advice? Invest in yourself and your future. Find a Career Coach that is credible, reliable and who you feel a good connection with. Someone who can support you as you navigate life challenges and career transitions, helping you find your purpose, and will build your confidence.

Believe in yourself and take the first step towards a more fulfilling life and career.

and sharing bits


How did I find my way into coaching? It all started with engaging a coach back in 2018 to begin figuring out…. what's next in my career? At that time, I was eager to transition out of my Compliance/Administration role. I needed a coach to help me gain clarity on what I truly wanted to for my next career path and to guide me in navigating the swirling doubts and fears that surfaced when I started contemplating a big change.

My coach helped me figure out what I enjoyed doing and how that could become something I do for work. A pivotal moment in our conversation was when I was asked: "What is something I currently do for free that I truly love?" The answer was clear to me. I enjoyed mentoring and coaching roles, where I can share my expertise to help others through challenging situations. From that insight, I started to looking for coaching certification programs, and fast forward a few years, I'm now living the future I once only imagined.

Engaging with a coach is all about giving yourself permission to invest time in yourself. And spending the time going deep on who you are and what you want and don't want. A coach can help change your perspective–another person often hears things differently than you do in your own head.

In my coaching practice, the emphasis is placed squarely on the client's core values. Through a series of targeted exercises, I guide clients to deeply connect with, articulate, and understand their values—what they stand for and why. This process is crucial in aligning their thoughts, emotions, and daily actions with their values, laying a strong foundation for future goals and seeking new opportunities.

I help individuals break free from stagnation. Often, people have valid reasons for feeling stuck, but they require assistance to move beyond those barriers. Together, we identify and confront their fears, doubts, and self-limiting narratives that are holding them back. By increasing awareness, my clients can then start to shift their perspectives and adopt new approaches in both their personal lives and careers. you find yourself asking, "Do I need help in dealing with changes in my life and career?" or "Is there someone whom I can share my thoughts with?", then you might be longing for a guiding partner and a safe space.

and sharing bits


How did I find my way into coaching? It all started with engaging a coach back in 2018 to begin figuring out…. what's next in my career? At that time, I was eager to transition out of my Compliance/Administration role. I needed a coach to help me gain clarity on what I truly wanted to for my next career path and to guide me in navigating the swirling doubts and fears that surfaced when I started contemplating a big change.

My coach helped me figure out what I enjoyed doing and how that could become something I do for work. A pivotal moment in our conversation was when I was asked: "What is something I currently do for free that I truly love?" The answer was clear to me. I enjoyed mentoring and coaching roles, where I can share my expertise to help others through challenging situations. From that insight, I started to looking for coaching certification programs, and fast forward a few years, I'm now living the future I once only imagined.

Engaging with a coach is all about giving yourself permission to invest time in yourself. And spending the time going deep on who you are and what you want and don't want. A coach can help change your perspective–another person often hears things differently than you do in your own head.

In my coaching practice, the emphasis is placed squarely on the client's core values. Through a series of targeted exercises, I guide clients to deeply connect with, articulate, and understand their values—what they stand for and why. This process is crucial in aligning their thoughts, emotions, and daily actions with their values, laying a strong foundation for future goals and seeking new opportunities.

I help individuals break free from stagnation. Often, people have valid reasons for feeling stuck, but they require assistance to move beyond those barriers. Together, we identify and confront their fears, doubts, and self-limiting narratives that are holding them back. By increasing awareness, my clients can then start to shift their perspectives and adopt new approaches in both their personal lives and careers. you find yourself asking, "Do I need help in dealing with changes in my life and career?" or "Is there someone whom I can share my thoughts with?", then you might be longing for a guiding partner and a safe space.

...and here's how


I understand how working in an industry or role for an extended period can cause us to feel stuck or feel like that's the only thing we can do. It can be challenging to navigate the landscape of pursuing something different. I found from personal experience of working with a coach and having that support, I was able to find the next step in my career and begin a completely new chapter. I can help you do the same thing!

We often think that we must stay in our field, where we have expertise, credibility, and a network. We assume that if we step outside of that, wewon't make as much money. This leads to, I can't do it financially. I can't downsize my house. I have kids in college. It's not possible.

The truth is, there's no reason we can't find an opportunity that pays the same amount of money. And you don't have to take something that doesn't meet your needs. I’m not saying that it is easy, but I believe it is possible, especially if you have an open mind and ask for help.

Working with a coach is like asking help from your financial advisor. I help you frame possibilities, to think about what might be available to them without allowing fear and limiting beliefs to get in the way. Similarly, they need to understand their financial situation – what obligations they have and for how long. It's about helping you gain the information you need to move forward.

My coaching program will equip you with the skills and insights necessary to transcend the surface-level challenges. Instead of only identifying your strengths and setting generic goals, the work we will uncover goes deep into the heart of your professional identity, teaching you to navigate challenges with energy, precision and purpose. It doesn't just guide you through career transitions and development; it unlocks the full spectrum of your leadership potential, ensuring a transformative journey that sets you apart.


...and here's how


I understand how working in an industry or role for an extended period can cause us to feel stuck or feel like that's the only thing we can do. It can be challenging to navigate the landscape of pursuing something different. I found from personal experience of working with a coach and having that support, I was able to find the next step in my career and begin a completely new chapter. I can help you do the same thing!

We often think that we must stay in our field, where we have expertise, credibility, and a network. We assume that if we step outside of that, wewon't make as much money. This leads to, I can't do it financially. I can't downsize my house. I have kids in college. It's not possible.

The truth is, there's no reason we can't find an opportunity that pays the same amount of money. And you don't have to take something that doesn't meet your needs. I’m not saying that it is easy, but I believe it is possible, especially if you have an open mind and ask for help.

Working with a coach is like asking help from your financial advisor. I help you frame possibilities, to think about what might be available to them without allowing fear and limiting beliefs to get in the way. Similarly, they need to understand their financial situation – what obligations they have and for how long. It's about helping you gain the information you need to move forward.

My coaching program will equip you with the skills and insights necessary to transcend the surface-level challenges. Instead of only identifying your strengths and setting generic goals, the work we will uncover goes deep into the heart of your professional identity, teaching you to navigate challenges with energy, precision and purpose. It doesn't just guide you through career transitions and development; it unlocks the full spectrum of your leadership potential, ensuring a transformative journey that sets you apart.







The right time to invest in yourself is now.

Your goals and dreams deserve that level
of commitment.


The right time to invest in yourself is now.
Your goals and dreams deserve that level
of commitment.


Julie Hamilton

[email protected]

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© Core Rising Coaching LLC